It only took thirteen years……….
Welcome to the Portsmouth Underbelly Tour website – thirteen years in the making. This site will primarily be used to promote the scandalous tour which has rocked the Seacoast for the last ten years. With every year there seems to be a new element and in the past three years we have added shows that have been inspired by the tour including our “Unplugged” and my new play “Silas Deane – Not Just A Highway”. Portsmouth has so much history to tell and I like to tell it in a way that that is more at home in a theater than a library! Our website would have remained a thought in my head without the hard work of Tom Morang who held my hand the entire way and showed me a level of patience which I had never experienced here on earth. This site could also not have happened without the brilliant photography of Tocky Bialobrzski and the tour would not have been a reality without the years of hard work by Marian Marangelli, Sarah Shanahan and Michael Hosker-Bouley. A special thank you also needs to go to Laura Pope. If you have not been on our tour then please join us as we kick off this year during the last week of June, 2014. It is like no other tour you will ever take….that is a promise!