There is nothing like a bad history pun….
For years I have collected, written and reworked puns. Some people do needle point, some collect stamps, some build toy airplanes – I collect bad jokes; much to the chagrin of everyone I know. Below are a few examples of the awful humor. Warning – none of them are any good, but some of them are funny.
- Why were the early days of history called the Dark Ages? Because there were so many knights!
- What kind of lighting did Noah use for the Ark? Floodlights!
- As a young boy, Brutus’ mother often cautioned him not to run with Caesers.
- The ancient Japanese leader lost his legs in a logging accident and became a sawed-off Shogun.
- I’m desperately trying to establish why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets.
- A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.
- Ancient orators tend to Babylon.
- In ancient times, seagoing vessels were much more fuel efficient. They got thousands of miles to a galleon.
- The study of ancient symbols will lead you to rune.
- The journalist went to Greece to see the ancient city and is now writing several commons abut them.
Told you they were awful but you didn’t believe me…….